Kaze's Profile

Name: Allie
Nickname: Kaze
Birthday: November 21, 1986
Age: 68
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Blood Type: O positive
Favorite Subject: Zombies
Least Favorite Subject: Zombies
Favorite Food: Squid salad
Least Favorite Food: Uva ursi tea
Favorite Color: I like em all
Favorite Gem: Garnet or peridot
Favorite Sport: Horse-shoe toss
Favorite Animal: Hard to tell...
School: Home
Hobbies: Drawing, coloring, creating in general
Strong Points: Designing random stuff
Has Trouble With: Staying on topic, being serious
Dream: I want mah very own little island. And I do mean little. I wanna put it in this box! And carry it around with me and show people so they're all like...woah...hey, that's one fine island.