Emme's Profile

Name: Emily
Nickname: Emme, Bunny, Big Em
Birthday: June 8, 1987
Age: 16
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Blood Type: Umm... I don't know ^^;;
Favorite Subject: English
Least Favorite Subject: Math
Favorite Food: Apple cake or apple pie
Least Favorite Food: Peas
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Gem: Alexandrite
Favorite Sport: Track & field
Favorite Animal: Lemurs!
School: 10th grade at the local high school!
Hobbies: Anything to do with computers, reading manga, tae kwon do
Strong Points: Physically strong, tae kwon do, problem solving, loving Jason Platt ^-^;;
Has Trouble With: Math, windows xp
Dream: To marry Jason Platt ^-^;;; (he's my version of Tuxedo Kamen ^^;; ) and to work as a computer engineer somewhere for good pay