Other Series - Revolutionary Girl Utena

Yes, Revolutionary Girl Utena is my latest favorite anime. :)

I had just watched the movie of Utena and, while I don't get it yet, was of course impressed with the art.
So far I only have the first three Viz-released manga of Utena, but so far, this if my favorite vision of Anthy--running free.
I had started this as a companion piece to the request I did for Ru a long time ago.  When the internet went down in my office and we had to amuse ourselves with what we already had on our computer, I finally got around to coloring it.  I probably wouldn't have had the motivation if it hadn't been for Mara, though.
I had done a fairly simple drawing of Utena to begin with, but it had (as usual) a completely blank background.  I was toying with different backgrounds in PSP, trying to decide which I liked better, when I realized, I really liked the way all four of my options looked when combined.  So I made the natural leap to Andy Warhol popart.  Of course.  Oh, and the unedited version is in Random Extras, if you wanna see.
Adolescence of Utena



Running Free

colored pencils, background by Van Gogh ^.^



Shattered Wings

computer colored, photo-manipulated background


Utena Popart

prisma markers, computerized background and effects


At this point I was drawing just for the sake of drawing, really.  So I dug out an old photo of my grandmother that I've always loved, and turned it into Anthy.  Not bad.
I did this FOREVER ago!  I don't remember if it was Mara's idea, or mine, but we definitely wanted to do a pic together, and we both really love Utena, so...voilà!
I've had this idea for a while; crossdressing in American school uniforms is not nearly as rebellious as it is for our Japanese counterparts.  As an artistic note, in retrospect I wish I had made the dress pants even darker, as they are almost black when you look at them, but I was afraid I didn't have a blue dark enough to shade them, then--it was only after I finished coloring them in that I realized I could have just shaded with black.  Ah, well.  Live and learn.

prisma colors, computerized background


Seitokai Sleepover

collab between Mara and myself


American Utena

prisma colors, computerized background
