Sailor Moon Princesses: Coronation

July 25, 2015

I think it's every Sailor Moon cosplayer's dream to get a *huge* Sailor Moon group together, with no duplicated costumes, but it's nearly impossible to pull off.


Looking back, I believe this started because the other co-founder of Outer Power, Inner Beauty, Maurynna, was ready to make her triumphant return to Sailor Moon cosplay at Otakon. She'd been working on her dream version of Neo Queen Serenity's gown for a while, and since the rest of us already had the princess dresses, we decided to wear them again, only with adding the "power color" versions of the wigs to switch it up a little. Since that still left only five of us, we posted in our group Facebook, and on personal pages as well, asking for volunteers to fill the other roles. Those filled up so fast that we decided to add a few more characters...and a few more...and a few more.

What resulted was months of the most interactive, supportive group planning I have ever been a part of. People posted progress pics, some regularly, some sporradically, and always got compliments and encouragement. People offered to help with costume construction, with getting dressed, with putting on makeup. Costumes fell through, and new ones were found. Characters dropped out, and new ones volunteered. And when I got some bad news in my personal life just a week before the con and started to fall apart, everyone jumped in to help me keep it together.

We set out to recreate the coronation scene from the manga. And we did, and I'm proud of that. But the way all of my friends--some new, some old--came to bat, not just for me, but for *all* of us, is what I'm grateful for most of all.

View the rest of David Ng's photos here.