Sailor Moon: Eternals

August 13, 2016

This was our final big shoot for our last Otakon in Baltimore. As always, there were some challenges putting this together: people dropped out, people switched characters, I couldn't bend my knees, you know how it goes. But we went on; we shared patterns and resources, we recruited a Chibimoon who was passing by (even if she was Super instead of Eternal, considering we had never even spoken to her before she went along with all of our nonsense), we super-glued pieces of our costumes back into place as the shoot went on. In the end, this photoshoot represented, at least to me, what Sailor Moon is about, especially its finale. Giving it our all, so that we can continue doing this together, as we are, for as long as we can.

View the rest of David Ng's photos here.