Hino Rei - wedding dress

"'In the last installment's frontispiece I decided to do a wedding ceremony. Everybody is full of happiness in their wedding dresses."

Hino Rei - wedding dress from the fifth artbook

Sailor Moon

Dress by: Oshidori - Summer 2009

Veil by: Yaten Kou- Summer 2009

Jewelry by: Beverly Faerie - Summer 2009

Appeared: Crissy and Louis's wedding 2009

Status: Active

In the most surprising twist of the year, Louis and I decided to get married, BAM! just like that. We got engaged in March and, well, we've been dating for so long that we really didn't see any reason to wait. I especially didn't want the insanity of wedding planning completely consuming my life for well over a year. So we set our wedding date for July 12, 2009.

The good thing about getting married in four months is that you have to decide everything quickly, and not allow yourself to second-guess yourself. A lot of the decisions we made came about very naturally--we'd always known what our first dance would be, which led to a natural choice of wedding favors, the venue was the site of my high school prom, the bridal party was made up of old friends and family, etc. But what would I wear on the biggest day of my life? To tell you the truth, there was only one wedding dress I had ever envisioned myself wearing, so I decided to screw what other people thought, and go with what made me happy.

An extra special reason to go with having my dream wedding dress was that it was not a manufactured design off of the rack; virtually everything I wore that day was made by my friends. Oshidori did me a HUGE favor by agreeing to take on the dress; as she had made her own wedding dress years before, I already knew what a beautiful job she could do. Patti and Steph made my veil, down to stitching each tiny star on the tulle that fell past my knees. Beverly Faerie made me two versions of the necklace, one larger and one smaller, so I could decide which went with the dress better. And while I didn't subject my bridesmaids to "secret cosplay", Setsuna Kou made the Chibiusa and ChibiChibi dresses from the same image to outfit my ring bearer and flower girl. All in all, I was dressed in love from the top of my head to the tip of my toes, and I can't imagine having it any other way.

The reason the status is listed as "Active" is that it's my dream to do the Wedding Dress group with Outer Power, Inner Beauty someday. After all, what bride doesn't dream about getting to wear her wedding dress more than once? ;)

Photos by Laura Vasilion

Photo by Laura Vasilion

Photo by Laura Vasilion Photo by Laura Vasilion Photo by Laura Vasilion Photo by Laura Vasilion

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