EGL White Dress

Elegant Gothic Lolita - White Dress

Made by: YinYinCS

Appeared: EGL Picnic at Pratt 2004

Status: Active

My first Gothic Lolita dress! I'm not one of those people who's super into it; I don't collect the Gothic Lolita Bible, I don't decorate my room with little crowns, I don't...wear this every day, or anything. But, god, these dresses are PRETTY! They certainly fit my idea of a "special occasion" dress. And I never have to worry about them being too revealing or unflattering!

I bought this off of eBay from the talented seller YinYincs with my first paycheck from my new job. Obviously there aren't too many places I can wear it, but I have gotten as many photos as I can in it!


CGs and Fanart

See the full size drawing that Mina Channies made for me! Drawn by Mina, colored by me.