Lady Terentia's Purple Dress

Lady Terentia's Purple Dress

Made by:

Appeared (on me): Not yet

Status: Retired

Okay SO. Long story short, OPIB had so much fun ringing in 2020 together that we couldn't wait to get together again. Avian Firefly's birthday was the next holiday/event, so we made plans to stay by her for a long weekend, and naturally, that had to include have tea dressed in Lolita. Since we were staying at Avi's it didn't make sense to trek into the city for Alice's Tea Cup, but Avi found a cute place by her called Harmony Tea Room, so we were all set.

I really didn't want to rewear one of my dresses, so I asked the girls if anyone wanted to swap for the day. Lady Terentia was, surprisingly, not planning on wearing her light purple dress, and as I didn't own anything purple, I asked her if I could borrow it. She not only let me borrow it, but all of the accessories that went with it: the bow, the earrings, the choker, and the lace cuffs. The only things that were mine were the frilly purple socks, which I saved from my childhood, and the ruffled high heels, which were hand-me-down work shoes from my grandmother. Aki Reiniibow did the VERY cute hairstyle I'm sporting, because I am nowhere NEAR that talented.


Photo by Lady Terentia

Lady Terentia's Musings

CGs and Fanart

See the full size drawing that Fallingstardusk made for me!

Fallingstardusk on deviantART