Card Captor Sakura: Tomoyo Daidoji

March 19, 2006

"Hey," Dave said.

"What?," I said.

"I've never done a shoot of you--just you."

"Holy crap," I said, "you're right."

And thus a new shoot was born. Dave and I being the experimentalists we are, this had to incorporate as many "new" factors as possible. We chose my least photographed costumes, Chun Li and Tomoyo from Card Captor Sakura. We built another "studio" in my basement again, although this time instead of lining up formica slabs on the floor and taping sheets to the heating pipes, we had Dave's brand new portable backdrop and umbrella lights, though it was his first time working with them.

Part one was Tomoyo Daidoji, who I think has a special place in Dave's heart because she's a photographer as well. Like a dumbass, I forgot to borrow Louis's camcorder, so we played up her still photography and her vocal ability instead, and ended up getting some great shots.

I *just* realized I still haven't worn her stupid black turtleneck under her costume! Son of a...

View the rest of David Ng's photos here.