Batgirl - 2014 Redesign

"Gross. I'm glad these gloves put a layer between your face and my fists."



Made by: Licensed costume

Appeared: New York Comic Con 2021

Status: Active

If there are two things that are consistently true for me, they are 1) I am always looking for someone to cosplay with and 2) I am always looking for an excuse to wear a good red wig. Back in 2020, CHris decided to be my enabler. He'd been looking for an excuse to do a proper Nightwing costume, and introduced me to the 2014 Batgirl redesign by Babs Tarr. I loved it because 1) it wasn't skintight spandex (not that there's anything inherentlly wrong with spandex, I'm just not always comfortable wearing it) and 2) there was a surprisingly good licensed costume by Charades. Sold.

As luck would have it I found the licensed costume on Poshmark, of all places, for less than half of what it was going for used. I also found the exact Doc Martens she's wearing (number 1460 if you want to know) for...well, not really less than retail price, but in my size, also on Poshmark. And CHris recommended I get my cowl (the licensed one was just a half mask on an elastic string) from FantaticFX.

There were just a few problems. The cowl looked *fantastic*, but was inordinately tight, and the cutouts for the eyes were so sharp they cut into my skin. I ended up getting them filed down at the Costume Rescue at New York Comic Con, but they still left marks. And it was so tight I couldn't move my face normally, so my eyebrows were in a permanent "worried" expression. It was made worse by the full wig I wore under it; I have since bought hair extensions that I glued to the cowl, but it doesn't really help. (Also, someone I can only assume works at the company listed me as a "bad buyer" with a string of nonsense characters?) The costume looks great, but it's like walking around in a portable sauna; it doesn't breathe at *all* and I was a puddle of sweat within five minutes of putting it on. And I don't get why Doc Martens are so popular because the boots cut the backs of my heels so badly I bled. But hey, it's always fun being Babs.


New York Comic Con 2021

Photo by CHris

CHris on Twitch

Photo by Carlos Noel

Carlos Noel on Instagram

Photo by eizseri0us

eizseri0us on Instagram

Photo by eizseri0us

eizseri0us on Instagram

Photo by eizseri0us

eizseri0us on Instagram

CGs and Fanart


Made by eizseri0us

eizseri0us on Instagram